Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Assignment Number 1!

Blog Assignment #1
You have the ability to transport yourself to any historical event and take part. Describe that event, the role you played in it, and how it impacted history.  Your involvement may either change our history or explain why our world is the way it is today.
         On August 31st, 1997: Princess Diana was in a car with her boyfriend, and got in a crash in the Port de' Lalma Tunnel in Paris, if i could go back in time, i would be the guy in the opposite car, and avoid crashing into the car at witch Princess Diana was in. That day impacted history in the fact that Princess Diana was "The Peoples Princess", she was respected, she shared her thoughts, and feelings, unlike some one had ever done in her possition. If i was the person who instead of hitting her with a car, avoided her, she would still be around today, and most likely still be doing all the charity work, help children, and landmind victims that she did when she was alive.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Twilight cover,

So why is there a apple on the cover of twilight? what does it represent.
is it like the apple in adam and eve, from the tree of good and evil? maybe thats it.
cuz u know..edwards obviously the good 1 and jacobs just plain evil!
or is it like the apple and snake on the doctors badge? cuz edwards dad is a doctor?

Monday, September 20, 2010


O.M.G people are like...HARSH judging me becuase my name is "obenrichardsisgay" like UGGH