Monday, February 13, 2012

cliche assignment

Scenario one: George looked up from shoeing the horse to see the outline of Curley's wife in the doorway of the barn. They were alone.

George looked her over, she was as beautiful as the day is long. She must have noticed because she gave him a look, a look of lust. Georges face was like a deer in headlights. George yelled, " No way jose." His face scrunched up to make a evil grin, "Your no friend of mine".
Curleys wife took 3 steps forward and whispered "Lets cut to the chase.."
George interupted, "Tarts like you always find ways to cross the line, your pretty and all, but beauty is only skin deep".
"What are you saying?" Curleys wife asked.
"Read between the lines, I want nothing to do with your cheating kind. Curlys wife stood there with a look of horror on her face, still as a stump,
"You cant judge someone until you've walked a mile in there shoes" she explained taking another 4 steps towards George. "I want nothing but a friend, someone to talk to, a sholder to cry on".
 "Well thats fine and dandy", explained George, "but we need to find a fine line, I don’t want no trouble".
Curleys wife squealed happily, "Of course.”
George said with a smile, "but you ARE trouble, now get lost". Curleys wife looked at him in anger, and throw her hands up in the air, she turned around and left the barn. George looked towards the barn doors where she left and chuckled to himself, "Dumb broads"

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