Monday, December 13, 2010

Poetry. - Kris Marsel

If love was lost at sea
Then mourn
It's passing carefully
Some day
When your heart subsides
Then give into the open tide
I set you apart
You are a girl of mystery
I set you apart
From time and history

Waiting all her life
You have been
Spending your days all alone
Like a widow grieving
You hold onto the promise
That you will see him again
Like lovers in the evening

Look softly into her eyes
A figurine of bluish green
You are familiar as a lullaby
Or an actress on the silver screen
For the open and great unknown
You're leaving your heart at home
Cruel and vast black waters
You leave behind your daughters
He regrets all his memories
And his soul is left
To haunt the breeze alone

1: The speaker is Charles Furney, the singer of Secret & Whisper
2: Somewhere near the ocean because this man had an affair and left by sailing away.
3: To tell a story, about his family story, and how tragic this induvidual story is.
4: Charles's family member had an affair with a man, and left her by sailing away. She was longing to see him again, but it never ended up happening. He regreted leaving her, but he thought he couldnt come back.
5: In the song, i think he portreys his family members (whoever she may be..maybe his grandmother?) he portrays her sadness.
"Waiting all her life
You have been
Spending your days all alone
Like a widow grieving"
6: " Cruel and vast black waters,You leave behind your daughters" - This is an effective diction because rymes (witch always helps when writing music" and i would imagine this is what the man who left the lady he impreginated felt, kind of like a "little devil on the sholder" thing. Something inside his head kept saying, "you left behind your daughters" over and over, i would assume.
7: IMAGARY: "Look softly into her eyes
A figurine of bluish green
You are familiar as a lullaby
Or an actress on the silver screen"

For the open and great unknown
You're leaving your heart at home

8: This song speaks to me because it goes into great detail, and puts pictures in my head beacuse its very discriptive, yet it doesnt say eveything flat out, this song doesnt say anything about it being about a family member, but i personaly asked the writer of this song what it was about, and after he told me, the song just made complete sence to me.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Interpretive or Escapist Fiction - Kris Marsel

       Escapist fiction, is the more interesting choice out of the two; Interpretive Litterature, or Escpaist Fiction.
Escapist is just more interesting, and personaly grabs my attention more.

      Escapist fiction puts the reader though situations, and makes them feel like there somewhere, or someone else. I feel things when i read those types of novels, i want things to happen, for example when Bella and Edward in Twilight went to the medow, to hang out, the author described the medow so discriptivly, that i felt like i was there also. Another egzample is also from Twilight, where Edward and Bella always almost kissed..they would be really close, and it never happened for a long time, as a reader it kinda drove me crazy, and when they did i was pumped on life! "Atta boy Edward"

    In my opinion, i think we should be reading more novels along the lines of Escapist Fiction, like a book like Twilight, or the book we're reading right now, "Leslies Journal", i dont know much examples of Interpretive Litterature, but i got told that "Lord of the flies" is that, and i extremely loathed that novel, so i wouldnt ever say i want people to read those kind of novels, so if your reading this, stay away from those books. In the topic of "Cultural Litteracy" i think all books could have that, its a good idea to have in books, because it makes you think about a overal theme of the book, beside the obvious, for example i thought the "Lord of the Flies" could be about sociaty, and the fact that its bassicly completly going down hill.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

J Beibs VS Voldemort.

               Personaly, im not one to judge, but when it all comes down to my topic, "J Beibs Vs thee one and only Lord Voldemort, theres a very obvious answer to the question: Who would win?

              In one corner, "The one who must not be named" weighing in at over 150 pounds, A dark wizzard, who graduated from the highly famous, Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, who may not be the prettyest face this side of England, but at least he has straight teeth...  LOOOOORD VOLDEMORT!!!
             In the other end weighing in at 28 pounds, the flippy haired, fruity tooty, 16 year old boy from Canada (unfortunatly), coming in with a estimated record sales of over 225,000, and a unexpectedly high vocal range for a male thats gone through puberty...JUSTIN BEIBER!

 Voldemort got 1 or 2 punches in before Justin Beiber started crying, and asking for his mommy. When Voldemort wouldnt stop, Justin Beiber pulled the whole "STOP, GO AWAY, LEAVE ME ALONE" routine..witch actually sent Voldemort to the ground! Justin Beiber won the match.

Voldermort: *HISS* i dont know what hit me, the second he opened his mouth..i just couldnt take his high pitched, voice! I didnt even hit him in the groin!

Well that raps it up for todays match folks, the punches...the wales..the prissy feminine teenager, what a fight.

Monday, October 18, 2010

TOP 3! - Kris Marsel

       My top 3 topic will be top 3 bands of all time. I chose to rate them on populatiry, how old the bands are, and also how well there records sold, witch is pretty much popularity again.

       Coming in at 3rd place is Micheal Jackson, to date he has sold a estimated 750,000,000 - 300,000,000 Albums world wide. As we all know, Micheal Jackson was huge, he was a entertainer since he was a small child, and he could dance really well also! He was extremely popular in his prime.

       Now 2nd, Elvis Presley, who was EXTREMLY popular, he sold approximatly 1 billion - 600 million albums. He is one of the most popular American singers of the 20th century. He was, and quite possibly still is a cultural icon.

      Finnaly, The Beatles, in my opinion, the biggest musicians around. They sold approximaty 1.1 billion albums - 700 million, and they were only active for 10 years. Increadable eh? They are the most commercialy succesful and critticly acclaimed acts of the 20th century

Monday, October 4, 2010


OK, I'm not gonna lie, Twilight, is probably the best book i have read in a really long time.

     So, having been a avid Harry Potter, and Series of Unfortunate Events fan for the longest time, gave up on reading after all those books are finished, and no longer have books in the series being written. Alot of people, almost all girls have been reading twilight, and i never even thought about it...until this summer.
    My neighbour Courtney offered to lend me Twilight after i have openly admitted to not reading a good book in a long time, and after hesitating, decited to give in and only read "the first 50 pages or so just to give it a try". I didn't really do it (of course) until we needed a book to read in English, and my friend Oben, and Harman both got Twilight, knowing i was also reading it. That, my motivation, pushed me to start reading and not feel ashamed of it. I've read about half the book or so, and i find myself reading it more and more as the weeks go by, Its a gripping book, and the relationship between Bella, and Eward is exciting. I'm not sure why I'm so interested in it to be honest..maybe its because watching the movie, made me like Kiersten Steward, the actress who plays Bella, i find her quite attractive. My main problem, is people like Adam who decided anyone who reads it is a flaming homosexual. I'm not just saying its all just Adam, but he's the most recent case..actually as I'm writing, that's probably the biggest thing.

   I honestly don't care what people think about me reading it, I'm on page 257/512, and I'm gonna finish it, no matter what people say, who knows i may even read the next one.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Assignment Number 1!

Blog Assignment #1
You have the ability to transport yourself to any historical event and take part. Describe that event, the role you played in it, and how it impacted history.  Your involvement may either change our history or explain why our world is the way it is today.
         On August 31st, 1997: Princess Diana was in a car with her boyfriend, and got in a crash in the Port de' Lalma Tunnel in Paris, if i could go back in time, i would be the guy in the opposite car, and avoid crashing into the car at witch Princess Diana was in. That day impacted history in the fact that Princess Diana was "The Peoples Princess", she was respected, she shared her thoughts, and feelings, unlike some one had ever done in her possition. If i was the person who instead of hitting her with a car, avoided her, she would still be around today, and most likely still be doing all the charity work, help children, and landmind victims that she did when she was alive.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Twilight cover,

So why is there a apple on the cover of twilight? what does it represent.
is it like the apple in adam and eve, from the tree of good and evil? maybe thats it.
cuz u know..edwards obviously the good 1 and jacobs just plain evil!
or is it like the apple and snake on the doctors badge? cuz edwards dad is a doctor?

Monday, September 20, 2010


O.M.G people are like...HARSH judging me becuase my name is "obenrichardsisgay" like UGGH