Friday, April 13, 2012


The assignment was simply put a liquid in my mouth, what kind of liquid you may ask? Was it red? Was it spicy? If you guessed that you’re right. "Franks Hot Sauce.” Before the journey from the cup to my mouth expired, it made some stops down Sensory Lane. The smell was if a thousand Mexican farmer women were chopping jalapeños right under my nostrils. The sound of the thick juice from hell, told me that I was in for a ride in seconds to come. Confused, the liquid hit my tongue not knowing what to do; "Should I give him the full blast of my power, or should I wait". It waited. Sitting there puzzled, I thought to myself, it really wasn’t as bad as others expressed! Then it happened. It hit me like a car hydroplaning across an intersection. My body couldn’t handle it. The evil that was assigned to me was now down my thought, and there was no turning back. It took my body for a spin. Do I throw up? Do I wait it out? I knew at that point I was in for agony. Sitting there, as the drink wrestled its way, ruthlessly, into my body. It only lasted a few minutes, but at that point I knew...there’s a reason why people "Put that Sh*t on everything,” it was simply a sauce, with an attitude. Do not drink Franks Hot Sauce, put it on food. Unless of course you want to experience what I went through.

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